May Day
I could not believe the number of people who enjoyed last week’s column about May Day. They were especially entertained by my May Basket story. Some knew about the May Basket tradition, but most did not. Here is an explanation of the May Basket tradition from National Public Radio:

“Maybe there really was a time when America was more innocent. Back when May Basket Day was a thing, perhaps. The curious custom — still practiced in discrete pockets of the country — went something like this: As the month of April rolled to an end, people would begin gathering flowers and candies and other goodies to put in May baskets to hang on the doors of friends, neighbors and loved ones on May 1st.
In some communities, hanging a May basket on someone’s door was a chance to express romantic interest. If a basket-hanger was espied by the recipient, the recipient would give chase and try to steal a kiss from the basket-hanger.”
Library of Congress
Perhaps considered quaint now, in decades past May Basket Day — like the ancient act of dancing around the maypole — was a widespread rite of spring in the United States.
First Graders Continue To Amaze
Session #4 of my Junior Achievement class at North Plains Elementary talked about “jobs”. Not only jobs that their parents had, but jobs that the kids might do around the house to help out. One little boy said that his job was giving his Mommy hugs…Awwwww…tear time for Rod. At the end of the class, one little girl came up and gave me a hug, and well there was a ground swell. Mrs. White said that this was a “hugging class” and she was certainly right. Not sure my feet hit the floor at the way out the door. Hey, I am a grandpa. Hugs count! I have one class left and then we are done for 2024.
AFA Awards
I was honored to be invited to cover the Air Force Association (AFA) Commander’s Choice Awards. I have known George Masters for many years. George was the guest speaker, and received a very well deserved National AFA Award, the Exceptional Service Award.
Thirty-eight more Commander’s Choice awards were handed out to deserving individuals and groups. I am sure it is extremely difficult to fit the achievements of these award winners into a paragraph or two read by emcees on stage. All recipients were certainly very deserving of their awards.
What A Great Idea!
Look for an article in this week’s paper on a group of guys that met on a Bomber Task Force in Fairfield, found a common love for music, and have continued their passion back at Minot Air Force Base. The base theater was “rockin” when I arrived on Saturday. I have always known that music is a common bond, and these four guys definitely proved to me that I was not wrong.
Best Kept Secret
I am going with a couple. Cornerstone Chiropractic continues to expand their book of services. Their newest services, and there are many, is invisa Red Technology, the only product FDA and clinically proven for fat reduction, weight reduction and inch loss. Hopefully I will have more information about this cutting edge technology. You can find out more at
Second, I had my first meal at The Section 8 Bar & Grill in Upham. Just a few minutes’ drive from the front gate of Minot Air Force Base, the Section 8 has a great selection of steaks and seafood. Check them out on Facebook.
Today’s Chuckle-
We used to believe in common sense. Now we just believe in nonsense.