Minot Air Force Base is familiar territory for Brig General Colin Connor. General Connor served as commander of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base from June of 2016 through August of 2018.
General Connor returned to Minot and was the guest of the Military Affairs Committee on Tuesday in his new position as Director of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Modernization, Site Activation Task Force. Under his direction the new Sentinel Missile Program will be constructed, which will lead to the stand down of the Minuteman III missiles now deployed at Minot Air Force Base, F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming and Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.
“The meeting was just the beginning of the partnership between Minot and Minot Air Force Base” according to Connor “that will bring the Sentinel to Minot Air Force Base”.
On a timeline that was part of the presentation, there was proposed activity in 2027, with a finish date for the Minot portion of the Sentinel program in 2032. However, Gen Connor pointed out that these are only preliminary dates, that can and will be adjusted. For example, the activity in 2027 could come earlier as it may involve buildings and facilities to house equipment for control and maintenance of the Sentinel missile system.
“When I arrived at Minot on Sunday, I noticed that the current equipment for maintenance is still being stored outdoors. It just doesn’t make sense when are investing taxpayers’ dollars to continue to store that expensive equipment outdoors.”
– Brig General Colin Connor.
Gen Connor also pointed out that the Sentinel missiles are larger and longer than the current Minuteman III missiles, and that they (the Sentinel missiles) will require all new facilities.
In addition, communication will be handled at all 3 of the Sentinel sites through over 8,000 miles of fiber optic corridors because the communication system needs to be faster and better than it is today according to Gen Connor.