Minot Air Force Base Schools All Qualify for Special Award
For a year and a month Joy-Nicole Smith, School Liaison Program Manager, has worked to gain recognition for the three Minot AFB Schools as Purple Star Schools, a special recognition from the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. “Military students move an average of seven times during their school years” according to Smith “the Purple Star program give them a sense of security, a network of schools that make sure students know they are welcomed at their new school once they move.”
The Purple Star School Program is implemented across the United States, most notably in Ohio. Joy-Nicole Smith serves on the Purple Star Advisory Board for the State of North Dakota and facilitated the submission of the applications and meetings with NDDPI to take next steps with the review and approval of applications. The schools receiving the recognition are North Plains Elementary, Dakota Elementary, Memorial Middle School at Minot AFB and Twinning Elementary and Middle Schools at Grand Fork AFB. These five schools will be the first in North Dakota to receive this recognition.
The impact results in the creation of a network of schools focused on meeting the needs of military connected students across the Department of Defense. The following is a brief description of the program in North Dakota: “The Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to serving students and families connected to our nation’s armed forces. Purple Star awardees receive a special Purple Star recognition to display in their buildings. The Purple Star Advisory Board (formed by representatives of the NDDPI, Minot and Grand Forks AFB, ND National Guard, Large and Small School District, School Counselors and Military parents) helps decide eligibility.”
This is a special recognition from the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction; however, the Purple Star School Program is implemented across the United States. The North Dakota schools receiving the recognition are North Plains Elementary, Dakota Elementary, Memorial Middle School, Twinning Elementary and Middle Schools (Grand Forks). However, North Plains Elementary, Dakota Elementary, Memorial Middle School schools will be the first in North Dakota to receive this,
According to a brief that was supplied by Smith to the 5 BW & 91 MW:
U.S. Air Force Photo I Minot AFB PA
To obtain this recognition, schools must demonstrate unwavering support of military connected students and families. Specifically – schools to designate a point of contact for military families who are new to the school; train school faculty and staffers about how to support students from military families; set up a network of student mentors to welcome newcomers and help them feel more comfortable; and establish a website to connect families to resources for academic and social support.
Training and Professional Development
The School Liaison Program Manager, Joy-Nicole Smith provides professional development and resources for faculty and staff enrolled in Minot Public Schools on the unique challenges faced by military connected students and families.
Welcoming New Students and Families and Creating a Safe Environment
Memorial Middle School utilizes the Junior Student-to-Student program in which student members meet monthly and are responsible for creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students. In addition, this team also leads 5th grade student tours for our incoming classes.
Dakota Elementary: Each month student ambassadors, comprised of 5th grade students conduct lessons to each lower class. 5th graders show leadership and mentorship through crossing guards, buddy classrooms and providing tours to visitors, new students, and or community partnerships.
In addition, if a student having a difficult transition the school supports them using best practices shared in training and professional development with the School Liaison Program Manager.
North Plains Elementary: New students meet with school counselor in groups to discuss the transition to a new school environment. In addition, classroom teachers assign students to partner and help support and encourage incoming students.
Partnerships drive results in ensuring quality education of all students. Minot Public Schools and Minot AFB are formidable partners in supporting military connected students and all students in the region through programs such as STARBASE North Dakota and Federal Impact Aid.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2024 all three schools on Minot AFB held assemblies that were attended by Kristen Baesler, North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction, Col Benjamin Jensen and Col George Chapman, Deputy Commanders of the 5 BW & 91 MW respectively, and Dr. Mark Volmer, Superintendent of Schools for Minot Public Schools, as well as others from MAFB and Minot Public Schools. Superintendent Baesler awarded Certificates of Completion of the Purple Star Program.