Wanted: Your Thoughts (Minotauros Tickets Possible!)

2023 is now a thing of the past. Life moves us all forward and into 2024 we go. As with any year in the military community, last year we saw many goodbyes and welcomes, or otherwise known as “Hails and Farewells”. We miss those who have left, but embrace the new editions to the base too. It’s the way of the military. Hopefully we have all learned from our past mistakes, and embrace the future because it is now upon us all.

At the Northern Sentry, we hope to make the Minot AFB community even stronger this year by serving the Airmen and families in the best way possible. The Northern Sentry is a community newspaper, but what does that mean? It means that our main goal is to share your life, your stories and things that affect YOU. It is less about breaking news -although we do that too sometimes- and more about the day to day life that makes up the people and community here on Minot AFB. We want to know about your life and what makes your Air Force story. We want to share YOUR Minot AFB Adventure.
For a little retrospect -and to give you an idea of what was most talked about last year- here were are most viewed stories published by the Northern Sentry online in 2023:

  1. Minot Air Force Base Investigating Deaths of Three Airmen In One Month
  2. 2023 Chief Master Sergeant Selects
  3. Dear Minot, I Cried.

Each of these top stories are vastly different and cover different aspects of life realities here at Minot AFB. To read these top stories and lots more, go check out northernsentry.com.

We’d like to keep giving you articles and news sections that interest you in 2024, so please take just a few minutes and fill out our survey about your experience with the Northern Sentry publication. We promise it’s fast; only 5 questions! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G39GB7S

We know time is super important, so as a way to say thank-you for taking the time to fill out the survey, you (if you provide an email) will be entered to win 4 general admission tickets to a Minotauros hockey game this 2023/2024 season! So please do it now! We’re not sure how long the survey will be open and we want to get you those tickets!

Thanks for a fantastic 2023 MAFB. We can’t wait to see what 2024 brings.

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