Safety reminders for Minot Air Force Base Parents and Guardians during parent drop off and pick up at Minot AFB Schools during Winter Busing:
The bus lanes and areas are designated for the safe drop off and pick up of students at each school.
At Memorial Middle School – Minot AFB, the main parking lot in front of the school is designated for bus drop off and pick up. As buses are staged in this area, please do not drive around the bus. This results in serious safety concerns especially if a child exits the bus.
At North Plains Elementary and Dakota Elementary, as buses are pulling into the schools, please wait for buses to be staged before crossing the road to enter the school. Our goal is to ensure the safe arrival and departure of all students. Alternatives include utilizing the parking lots and parents/guardians escorting students to the school outside of the designated bus lanes.
Please be sure to use the cross walks outside of the designated bus lanes for students to cross safely.
Please share for increased awareness and assurance of the safety of students at Minot AFB.