Team Minot leadership wishes you the happiest of holiday seasons! Join Team Minot in celebrating the holiday season downtown, but first, a little more about them.

Colonel Daniel Hoadley is commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base.
He ensures the wing’s combat readiness and is responsible for operations involving the wing’s fleet of B-52H bombers to provide deterrence and long-range strike capability for combatant command operations worldwide.
Col. Hoadley graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in history.
He has served in a variety of operational units, including duty as a standardization and evaluation pilot, chief of weapons and tactics, weapons school instructor, and squadron commander. Col. Hoadley is a command pilot with over 2,700 fl ight hours in the B-52, B-1, B-2 and T-38, including 238 combat hours.
Colonel Benjamin (Dan) D. Jensen is the Deputy Commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Colonel Jensen was commissioned in 2001. He graduated from pilot training at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas and was operationally assigned to the B-52. He has served in multiple operational and training assignments and logged more than 3,000 hours in B-52H, T-37, T-6, and T-38A. Notable educational and staff assignments include Air War College and Deputy Chief, Capabilities Division for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, HAF/A10, U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington D.C.
Chief Master Sergeant Tori M. Jones serves as the Command Chief for the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, N.D. She is the primary advisor to the Bomb Wing Commander on matters of readiness, professional development, health, welfare, discipline, quality of life, and force utilization. CMSgt Jones grew up in Berwick, Pennsylvania and entered the Air Force in June 2000 as a Command Post Controller.
Her background includes leadership roles from flight to Combatant Command levels. Throughout her career, Chief Jones has filled a myriad of roles including serving as additional duty First Sergeant, Squadron Superintendent and Wing Staff Superintendent, as well as being the first-ever non-aviator enlisted member to be cross-flowed as a Contingency Response Team Chief. She has deployed on six AEF deployments ISO Operations ENDURING FREEDOM, IRAQI FREEDOM, and NEW DAWN as a C2 expert throughout the Middle East and on a Joint Expeditionary Tasking as an Iraqi Force Protection Officer and Mentor for NATO Training Mission-Iraq Forward.

Col. Kenneth McGhee is the Commander of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base. He leads over 1,800 Air Force Airmen and Civilians in support of the nation’s landbased Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) mission. The wing operates, maintains and secures 150 Minuteman III ICBMs, 15 missile alert facilities and 150 remote launch facilities covering an 8,500 square-mile area in central North Dakota.
Colonel McGhee earned his commission through the Reserve Officer Training Corps in 1998 from the University of Memphis. A career nuclear officer, he has served in a variety of assignments within the nuclear enterprise with duties related to intercontinental ballistic missile operations, training, and maintenance. He is a graduate of the National Laboratories Technical Fellowship Program at Sandia National Laboratory and National War College.
Colonel George Chapman is the Deputy Commander for the 91st Missile Wing. He grew up in an Air Force family and received his commission in 2003 from the Reserve Officer Training program at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. He has served in a variety of positions, including an instructor assignment to the U.S. Air Force Weapons School. His notable staff tours include Aide-de-Camp to the Commander, Twentieth Air Force/Task Force-214; executive officer to the Commander, U.S. Air Force Warfare Center.
Senior U.S. Fellow at the George C. Marshall European Center for International Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; as an Executive Officer to the Commander, U.S. Central Command; and as the Nuclear and Missile Operations Officer (13N) Career Field Manager. Colonel Chapman is a master nuclear and missile operations officer with more than 5,560 hours of nuclear alert duty.
Chief Master Sergeant Ernest (Kacky) D. Crider serves as the Command Chief Master Sergeant for Air Force Global Strike Command’s 91st Missile Wing, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota. He ensures mission readiness by focusing on effective utilization, qualification training. professional development, morale, welfare and quality of life issues for the Wing’s Airmen and their families. Chief Cider entered the United States Armed Forces in 1989. He served six years in the United States Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician. Following a six-year break in service, Chief Crider entered the Air Force in October 2001 as a Communication & Navigation Technician prior to retraining to Flight Engineer. He has accumulated aver 3,600 flying hours on the KC-10 Extender and has flown in support of Operations
ENDURING FREEDOM and IRAQI FREEDOM. In his free time, Chief Crider enjoys fishing and a variety of other activities that make the most of all North Dakota has to offer.
Thanks to the leaders, Airmen and families who carry out the mission each and every day. The Northern Sentry wishes you all a joyous holiday season!