It’s mid-October. For some, this means carving pumpkins, putting chili in the crockpot, or eying Christmas décor. For me, mid-October means answering newcomers’ biggest question about Minot: What kind of outdoor gear do I actually need for a Minot winter?
Once temps fall to freezing, the questions start pouring in. They come via email, DMs, and Facebook groups. They seep out over conversations filled with nervous laughter. Friends, and friends of friends want an answer from someone who isn’t from Hotdish Land. Because you can’t trust a local to offer a relatable response on something like this. After all, they have been born and raised in subzero windchills. To them, this is normal. You can’t rely on someone who has never known a winter without a few days at -20˚ to empathize with a transplant’s first-winter concerns.
My response to these concerns is always the same. First, let me assure you, you’ll acclimate. Even for locals, there is a marked difference between October cold (ski parkas go on at 40˚ ) and March cold (t-shirts go on at 40˚ .)
Second, you don’t need as much as you think.
Obviously, you’ll need a coat, boots, gloves, and hat. If you ask ten people, you’ll get ten different opinions about what makes the best coat, or what features are “musts” for boots. And I’ve got my favorite features, too. But honestly, just buy what you like.
When it comes to preparing for a Hotdish winter, here’s my advice.
Don’t buy as though you’ll be spending much time outside. This is what nearly everyone gets wrong. This is what I got wrong when I first moved to North Dakota. I saw the terrifying windchill numbers and bought gear as though I would be spending hours outdoors every day.
Here’s the truth. Gearing up for winter isn’t about having the warmest gear—it’s about having gear you can move fast in. When it gets NoDak-cold, you won’t care about, and won’t want to bother, with putting on the heaviest coat. Your primary focus will become spending as little time outdoors as possible en route to your destination. You’ll shuffle from house to car, to building. You’ll move faster than you ever knew you could.
When I stocked up for my first NoDak winter, I imagined weekends spent sledding, skiing, and snow shoeing. That’s a great fantasy, but it’s not reality. I go sledding several times each winter, but we always manage to find a window when there is plenty of snow, and highs around 20-30˚. Typically, I sled in a light jacket, or just a sweatshirt—because schlepping kids and sleds up the hill is hot work. If it’s properly cold, we don’t stay out long enough to make the work of gearing up worth the effort.
That really nice ski coat from my first winter gets worn once or twice a season, and that’s usually when I’m out doing snow-removal out of necessity, in weather I’d rather avoid. And—let’s be real—this task is typically delegated to my darling husband while I take over arduous indoor tasks, like making cocoa and folding warm laundry.
Until temps dip into single digits, I opt to wear a sherpa-lined flannel shacket with a sweater underneath. I have one pair of gloves I adore—mostly because they are thin, tech-sensitive, and allow enough finger mobility to work car seat straps without removing them.
When it gets really cold, I pull out a puffer jacket that is still pretty light. Whatever you buy, be sure it’s not stiff. I loathe nothing more than having my mobility restricted while trying to pass snacks into the back seat when stopped at a red light.
Because I know you’ll wonder, here are a few notes about how I dress my kids. Each child has a fairly light winter coat. It must be flexible, it must be thin enough to go in their car seat safely. I don’t have patience for getting people in coats, only need to remove them once in the car. Remember, this is a speed game.
Speaking of speed, make sure your kids can move quickly by giving them good boots with good treads. If your kids are small, take a stroller with to keep your process fast.
In closing, I’ll recap. Winter isn’t as brutal as you may expect. Give it a year or two and you’ll acclimate—I promise. You probably won’t be spending tons of time outside. Keep it fast. Oh—and buy your gear on sale. There’s nothing that will help you fit in quite like saying, “Thanks, it was on clearance,” when someone compliments your winter attire.
There is fun to be had, you’ve just got to be brave (and fast) enough to enjoy it. Leave your house, and leave it often—and you’ll see that these months aren’t as scary as some would have you believe.
Want to love your life a little more? That’s my specialty. Join me on Instagram (@amy_allender) or Facebook (@amyallenderblog) where I share ways to generate peace and joy every day.