American abolitionist and dynamic orator, Frederick Douglass, is credited with having said: “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
Dakota Elementary is leaning into this ideal and making sure their students understand the importance of literacy and the power of the written word with a new program: ‘Launch Into Literacy’.
2nd grade teacher at Dakota, Mrs. Melvina Murray, has worked hard to help kick off the program. She loves having the community involved with learning. The function of the program allows students to hear books and stories read from members of Minot Air Force Base. Mrs Murray says, “The ‘Launch into Literacy’ program is an exciting and educational collaboration where Minot AFB members are taking to the skies of imagination and launching into local schools to promote literacy.”
She continued to explain the concept of the new program by saying: “The initial idea came from several military friends and organizations reaching out to read in my classroom and our school. Last year we had several readers including Colonel Galbert formerly from the 91st Missile Wing and Major Word from the 5th Bomb Wing. Before this school year began, I had several organizations reach out and express how they want to be in the classrooms and work with our Minot AFB students. Therefore the ‘Launch into Literacy’ program was created as a way to organize all the military members willing to read to our students.”
One of the other main POCs for the project, Captain Avaris Murray, read to students last week. Mrs. Murray explained that so far there are three classes and sixty students who have been able to enjoy this program. But they would like to include more classes and schools within Minot Public Schools, if possible.
If you or someone you know on the base would be interested in reading to students for the ‘Launch into Literacy’ program, please contact Capt. Murray at