Hello everyone! My name is Brianna and I’m your new Northern Sentry Reporter. My husband, son and I PCSed to Minot in January and have been enjoying it ever since! I’m originally from a small town in New Hampshire so I have found Minot to be a refreshing home feeling. My son had never seen snow before coming here so it was fun to show him what it is and I’m looking forward to teaching him what I was able to do in the winter as a kid.
A few things to know about me: I am an optimist at heart, an avid traveler, a bookworm, and homeschooling mama. I love to learn new things which led me to continuing my education to get my master’s in business. I had been working in the event industry up until our last move to Italy. I am originally from New England which comes with certain sports fandoms in my blood, but I also love to get involved with local teams. You will see me and my family at many of the Tauros games and cheering on the Hot Tots.

My husband has been in the Air Force for nine years. I’ve been with him since he left for basic and we have been blessed with living in some incredible locations such as North Carolina, California, and Italy- twice. Our most recent station was Ghedi Air Base. It is a small, remote base located near Lake Garda. It offers stunning views to see and a great chance to travel. We were able to explore Europe throughout our time there. Taking advantage of any four-day weekend my husband could get. My favorite place we were able to go was Ireland. Being Irish myself, it was one of my top locations to visit while we were there. We explored the Cliffs of Moher, kissed the Blarney Stone and drank Guinness straight from the Brewery. We’ve made plenty of memories while being overseas for five years.
Coming from overseas, my family still has a desire to explore and see new places around us. Although it won’t be new countries on the weekends, we look forward to finding the hidden gems of North Dakota and the surrounding states. So, what does that mean for you as a reader? My hope is to share some of my experiences with you and inspire you to look beyond Minot to our surrounding area.
I look forward to getting to know you, the community of Minot, and the area and taking you on the journey with me!