On Monday, April 10 while kids were out of school, Charlie Anderson led the 2nd Annual Rain Gutter Regatta boat race on Chevy Chase Rd. This race began last year when the snow melt created flowing steams of water down the sides of neighborhood roadways on base. 8th grader Charlie had the idea to get all the kids in the neighborhood to create boats and race down the running water run-off.
This year’s race and snow melt, coincided perfectly with the Easter holiday. Kids of all ages created different types of boats for the race but ultimately sisters Tyler and Haddie Danaher beat out the competition and came in first and second place among 15 or so boat entries.
Have your neighborhood kids done something similar? Tell us about it! We love to share the everyday stories and lives of those living and working at Minot AFB. https://northernsentry.com/submit-a-story/