It does not go unnoticed the amount of effort you all put into making the 91 SFG the greatest in Defender Nation!
Chief Broughman and I are beyond proud of all you continue to accomplish. That said, it is truly humbling to watch many of you stand out amongst a team chalked full of superstars!
Please join the Chief and I in congratulating our Security Forces Group 4th quarter and annual award winners, as well as our USSTRATCOM and Security Forces Annual Unit award winners! The Chief and I cannot wait to personally recognize each of our award recipients…
Junior Tier Enlisted: A1C Heath Clement (91 MSOS)
Middle Tier Enlisted: TSgt Robert Short (891 MSFS)
Senior Tier Enlisted: MSgt Meldion Shehu (91 MSOS)
FGO: Maj Kristopher Schmautz (91 MSOS)
Junior Civilian: Mr. Gregory Rector (791 MSFS)
Team: Tactical Response Force (91 MSOS)
2022 Security Forces Annual:
Small Unit: 91 MSOS
Large Unit: 891 MSFS – AFGSC level winners!
2022 4th Quarter:
Amn: A1C David Jimenez (91 MSOS)
NCO: TSgt Robert Graham (91 MSFS)
SNCO: MSgt Christina Lee (891 MSFS)
Fl/CC: 1st Lt Chris DeLong (91 MSOS)
CGO: Capt Derek Forte (91 MSOS)
FGO: Maj Kristopher Schmautz (91 MSOS)
Volunteer: SSgt Miguel Farias (S5)
Key Spouse: Mrs. Jocilynn Culver (91 MSFS)
Cat-I Civ: Mr. William McDougle (91 MSOS)
Cat-II Civ: Mr. William Haas (91 MSOS)
Team: Tactical Response Force (91 MSOS)
2022 Annuals:
Amn: SrA Taylor Hendrickson (91 MSFS)
NCO: TSgt Jennel Edwards (SFV)
SNCO: MSgt Seth Harrier (91 MSFS)
FSoY: MSgt Andrew Scheutz (91 MSOS)
Fl/CC: 1st Lt Chris DeLong (91 MSOS)
CGO: Capt Ryan Coker (91 MSOS)
FGO: Maj Kristopher Schmautz (91 MSOS)
Volunteer: TSgt Nicholas Simmons (SFV)
Key Spouse Program: 791 MSFS
Key Spouse: Mrs. JoAnna Gonzalez (791 MSFS)
Cat-I Civ: Mr. William McDougle (91 MSOS)
Cat-II Civ: Mrs. DiNell Hall (791 MSFS)
Team: SFG Standardization and Evaluations
Thanks for all you do! Defenders…Lead the way!
Col M