Spouses Welcome on the Road is a twist to the typical Spouses Welcome you might have seen in the past. Though we are still providing you the same information about Minot AFB, we are doing so while giving you the added bonus of showing you key locations around base. The start of the morning was coffee and doughnuts and an information fair featuring; Minot Clubs, Chaplain services, Violence Prevention, Library, SAPR office, Resident Advocate, 5FSS Marketing and MFLC services.
For our third official Spouses Welcome on the Road on 9 November we changed it up a little bit for our spouses when it came to briefings. The first topic covered Key Spouses and how important they are here at MAFB. Next was the 5th Bomb Wing Commander Col Hoadley with the 5 BW Command Chief, Chief Jones and 91st Missile Wing Commander Col McGhee. In place of a typical briefing, we asked the commanders to be prepared for an open and amazing dialog about feelings, stressors, and needs! We got just that!! The commanders were able to address some concerns of newly arrive spouses and spouses were able to ask about things that they found vital for the success of their families.

Next up on the agenda were representatives from Child and Youth Services who explained the many childcare options and support available for families. They also provided the contact numbers for these services.
An added topic to this Spouses Welcome was a lesson from the Air Force Resiliency program. Taught by one of our base Resilience Trainers, Ms. Alicia Thompson, and backed by a Master Resilience Trainer, SSgt Meghan Mitchell. The topic covered was gratitude. An important fact about this lesson is that practicing gratitude regularly can improve your mood and help build resilience.
Rounding off the morning was the team from the Medgroup consisting of Col Dixon, the Med Group Commander, Capt Langel, the incoming TOPA Flt Commander and Lt. Schiberl from HCOS. To discuss key information like the new prescription locker, TRICARE, and hours of operation.
Another change that we made was some of the locations we stopped at for the tour. Though we wish we had time to stop in all the places that could be important for our spouses, we changed up some of the locations to highlight areas of interest per previous attendee’s feedback. Our first stop was the Pride building, if you have never been in there it can feel like you should not be allowed to walk right in. Then once you are in it seems like a maze with no windows or directions, so this tour provided some basic navigation of the space. Though we could not possibly stop at every available office inside the pride building we did stop in to see finance and civilian personnel this time. Other places you could go include the DEERS office or legal. Just keep in mind that most of these locations required you to schedule an appointment through the AF Connect app.
After the Pride building, we headed to the Dakota Inn Dining facility for lunch where we talked M&FRC programs (you know we have to get our shameless plug somewhere!) and did a round of introductions. Though these wonderful spouses were already making friends and getting to know each other throughout the morning we wanted to give them time to formally introduce themselves.
Once lunch concluded the fun continued with a quick trip to Arts & Crafts and Auto Hobby and a tour from the wonderful Marv (if you have not met him pop into Arts & Crafts and say hello). From there we hit up the gym for a quick tour – no time for a workout though we were on a schedule!! Next stop was the Airman’s Attic/Cinderella Boutique/Thrift Shop at their new location inside the post office building.
We tired these ladies out quickly after lunch so from there it was a windshield tour of the base to the 91 MW building – down Missile Ave from one end to the other discussing each important service/program/building along the way. The long but fun day and ended at the Military and Family Readiness Center to round out the tour.
The M&FRC conducts a Spouses Welcome on the Road quarterly and the next one is scheduled for 15 February 2023. Childcare for this event is available, at no cost to the parents, through the Family Child Care office on a space available basis. Give the M&FRC a call at 701-723-3950 for more information or to register.