MIC3: Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission

Nov 4, 2022
Written by: Joy-Nicole Smith

There are unique needs for Prek-12 military-connected families Navigating educational systems across the United States is challenging as you prepare to relocate to a different community. As you prepare to PCS with your military-connected student, one available resource to ease this transition is the Military Interstate Children’s Compact (MIC3).

MIC3 is an interstate compact across all 50 States and the District of Columbia. The compact addresses the challenges of the military children encounter on their frequent relocations stateside. It allows for the uniform treatment as military children transfer between school districts in member states. The Compact only applies to public schools and focuses on specific impacts on military connected children such as the transfer of records, course sequencing, graduation requirements, exclusion from extracurricular activities, redundant or missed entrance/exit testing, kindergarten and first grade entrance age variances, and power of custodial parents while parents are deployed.

Military Interstate Children’s Compact (MIC3) covers students of Active Duty Members of the Uniformed Services, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders (Title 10), members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired for one year, members who die on active duty, for a period of one year after death, and uniformed members of the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and United States Public Health Services (USPHS).

MIC3 is an incredible resource and is the policy ensuring consistency of the educational experiences of military connected student. For more information on the compact, visit mic3.net. If you are due to PCS or have educational questions or concerns, now is a great time to contact a School Liaison! Please reach out to the Minot AFB School Liaison at mafb.school.liaison@us.af.mil or 701-723-1447.

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